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We believe that the Kingdom of Heaven is relational, meaning that we have a Father who invites us into relationship with Him and His people. When we forsake the concept of family and relationship for organisation and religion, we deny the very nature of the Kingdom.
Right from the beginning, when God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful, to fill the earth and subdue it, His plan to advance His Kingdom was through the nature of family.
“…I kept back nothing that was helpful, but proclaimed it to you, and taught you publicly and from house to house.” Acts 20:20
Love, fellowship and unconditional acceptance form the bedrock of community, but they are not the only things that define ‘family’. Our God Adventure small groups are likely to look different from any small group you may have experienced before. We place a high value on connection, fellowship and encouragement but we also believe that ‘family’ is an incubator for individuals to discover their identity and life assignment. We really aspire for our small groups to be places of personal development; where you will be mobilised for ministry and given opportunities to live-out, and act upon the gifts and calling on your life. As a church, we believe our assignment is to help build ‘big people’. Corporate celebration on a Sunday is wonderful, but it’s not sufficient to empower and develop every individual. The early church met publicly in joyful mass celebration, but they also met house to house.
“…I kept back nothing that was helpful, but proclaimed it to you, and taught you publicly and from house to house.” Acts 20.20
Ultimately, Jesus will be wholly glorified in His Body only when each member lives fully alive according to their God-given design. We are passionate about seeing you discover the reason why you were created and we believe that being part of a small group is vital to this discovery journey.